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Without a doubt the European Union has brought great benefits to Spain at all levels.

Thanks to the EU, Spaniards quality of life has improved a lot. European funds have also contributed to the improvement of the small companies, helping entrepreneurs and helping Spain to create projects that help people’s life like ONCE which helps disabled people. Moreover, thanks to several treaties such as Schengen treaty which removed borders between the EU countries so now we can travel wherever we want in the EU.


We would remark that Europe is a great nation constituted by a multitude of very different nations ,which tends to unite more despite the difficulties. Cooperation is the best way to push a project forward, either with a  a contest like this or when goberning a continent.


Dialogue is very important, one should not resort to violent methods to obtain their objectives and respect is the key to success and if everyone assumes their role and respect those of others, very important agreements can be reached.


According to the motto of our school this year, we are creative to infinity. And to be creative, have ideas and share them with the group are the most important factors to reach an objective and good results. This, together with the values ​​of the European Union, is what any team or organization really needs to carry out its task in an succesfull way.


Finally we remark that union means strength and divided we will be nothing. United we will succeed in whatever we want.


The more you know, the better.



Ron Perlman 

Director of Development


500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158

123 - 456 - 7890 Phone

123 - 456 - 7890 Fax

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