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Interview with Demetrio Madrid López

Former president of Castilla y León

The UElement.- Good morning, we are delighted that you are here with us today to discuss the issue of the entry of Spain into the European Union and its consequences.

Firstly, how old were you when Spain joined the European Union?

Demetrio Mdrid.- I was 49 years old when Spain joined the European Union.


TUE.- Do you think this integration was a good idea?

DM.- It was not only a very good idea, but it was highly longed, expected and necessary to put our country in the best conditions and to be able to modernize ourselves in relation to the other countries, more advanced in that time.


TUE.- What are the benefits that has provided this change?

DM.- Development, modernization, updating in broad aspects and meanings. Our entry coincided with the internal democracy of our country and brought economic benefits to improve our society, our infrastructure, livestock, agriculture and production systems. And with all this, the possibility that people, young people could move freely from one country to another, crossing a borderless Europe, a Europe of freedom.


TUE.- And the negatives?

DM.- I do not know any negatives of our membership in the European Union.


TUE.- In short, what are the changes you have seen in the Spanish society produced by this entry into the European Union?

DM.- Firstly the modernization of our society. Of our production, industrial and economic systems. The ability to communicate between all Europeans. The security of a much needed peace, which contrasts with the terrible wars of the twentieth century. The creation of a great potency, the most important worldwide in an economical, social, industrial and cultural level in the international panorama.


TUE.- From your point of view, should Spain still remain part of this political community?

DM.- Yes. Not only should remain part of the European Community, but it must integrate more into the configuration of Europe itself as one of the country that shaped it and it is part of the international community. It must do more visible the commitment to refugees from other countries that have much need to be welcomed and helped.


TUE.- Finally, if I say ‘European Union’, what is the first word that comes to your head?

DM.-Peace. Development. Solidarity.


TUE.- Thank you very much for your time to answering our questions.


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