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Interview with Alberto Ibáñez Herrero

Technician in Pathology and Nursing Student

The UElement.- Good morning, we are delighted that you are here with us today to discuss the issue of the entry of Spain into the European Union and its consequences.

First, Do you think that was a good idea to integrate Spain into the European Union? Why?

Alberto Ibáñez.- I think yes, because the union of several countries in the same organization to be able to protect each other both on the economic issue and others is a good purpose. In addition, to cross the borders of friendly countries without any problem it is much more comfortable and easy.


TUE.- From your perspective as a student, what benefits did it provide?

AI.-Facilitate discussions between countries and the almost complete unification of the currency and markets for the benefit of all countries that form.


TUE.- And in general?

AI.- In general, the benefit of belonging to the European Union is the aid between friendly countries.


TUE.- What about the negatives?

AI.- From the negative point, we could say that as not all countries are equal, there are no inequalities among them if anyone needs any help, the rest do not know how it could repay the aid without harming the people of that country.


TUE.- Where do you believe we will be if Spain do not belong to the European Union?

AI.- I cannot imagine Spain not belonging to the European Union because we owe many things to that organization that we could not have had if we had not belonged to her.


TUE.- Should Spain still remain part of this political community?

AI.- From my point of view, as I said before without it we could not be here. I know there are some bad things about belonging to the EU but there are also many good things.


TUE.- Finally, if I say ‘European Union’, what is the first word that comes to your head?

AI.- Creation.


TUE.- Thank you very much for your time to answering our questions.

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