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Interview with Alfredo de los Reyes Castelo 

Chief of International Relationships of the Presidence Cabinet of the Nuclear Security Council


The UElement.- Good morning, we are delighted that you are here with us today to discuss the issue of the entry of Spain into the European Union and its consequences.

Firstly, how old were you when Spain joined the European Union?

Alfredo de los Reyes.- I was 20 years old.


TUE.- Do you think this integration was a good idea?

AR.- Of course! Spain had had 40 years of dictatorship with the resulting isolation. Spain was a backward and contactless country with an economy based on the Government intervention, with many inequalities and any social aids.


TUE.- What are the benefits that has provided this change?

AR.- Having to comply with the European legislation made that the modernization of Spain was much faster.


TUE.- And the negatives?

AR.- Our industry was not acquitted, and as it was unable to compete with the rest of industries of the other countries of the European Community, it virtually disappeared. The little industry that worked was immediately bought by foreign countries.


TUE.- In short, what are the changes you have seen in the Spanish society produced by this entry into the European Union?

AR.- The main change is that one feels at home in 28 countries, and it does not feel like a poor cousin when visiting richer countries like Germany, Great Britain or France.


TUE.- From your point of view, should Spain still remain part of this political community?

AR.- Yes! Definitely! But it is also true that Spain should play a stronger role and demand changes, not for our country’s interest, but for improving throughout the Union.


TUE.- Finally, if I say ‘European Union’, what is the first word that comes to your head?

AR.- Hope.


TUE.- Thank you very much Alfredo for your time to answering our questions.

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