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Interview with Antonio Ansó Bermejo

Civil servant in sanitary institutions of the Community of Madrid - Trade unionist of the health and medical sector of the Federation of Public Service of UGT Madrid

The UElement.- Good morning, we are delighted that you are here with us today to discuss the issue of the entry of Spain into the European Union and its consequences.

Firstly, how old were you when Spain joined the European Union?

Antonio Ansó.- I was 20 years old.


TUE.- Do you think this integration was a good idea?

AA.- Yes, it was an alternative, prior to globalization, to get on a train of evolution that was already underway and immediately facilitated  the opening of Spain to the world.


TUE.- What are the benefits that has provided this change?

AA.- The Free labor and commercial movement throughout the territory. The borders disappear and increases individual freedom.


TUE.- And the negatives?

AA.- It's hard to understand that these freedoms have to consider the economic and social circumstances of people who are far thousands of kilometers from us, the simple understanding escapes solidarity with other less favored nations, the distribution of aid and mutual funds.


TUE.- In short, what are the changes you have seen in the Spanish society produced by this entry into the European Union?

AA.- The Generation that has enjoyed European space is a more open and rich in cultural and social knowledge generation, the interaction space is at least European and capacity ratio is higher.


TUE.- From your point of view, should Spain still remain part of this political community?

AA.- Yes, because there are still big different blocks in the world, Asia, America, Africa and Oceania, with social, cultural and economic realities, distant or even opposed occasions. Being part of this large block helps us to resolve differences and deters the attempt of the other realities of imposing their criteria and cultures by force.


TUE.- Finally, if I say ‘European Union’, what is the first word that comes to your head?

AA.- European Central-Bank

TUE.- Thank you very much for your time to answering our questions.

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